Unlocking Peaceful Power & Unprecedented Success
Great plans, strategies and equipment alone don’t guarantee success. Great results and real fulfillment flow when your body, mind, emotions and spirit function as a coordinated whole. And when leaders, management, groups and teams work in dynamic integrity and coherence.
The Centered Way Talks & Trainings are interactive, illuminating and fun. Holistic concepts combine with common-sense skills to enhance leadership, health and ingenuity; reduce stress and conflict; and foster winning team cultures of collaboration and excellence.
Moving reliably from your full core self allows you to Work, Play & Be Your Best – in business,
at home, on the golf course, and whatever are your chosen playing fields of life.
Businesspeople are prospering more through less stressful, more harmonious ways of working.
Adults and kids are using body-mind self-mastery skills to succeed at what they love .
People in conflict are exploring non-violent approaches to healing & peacemaking.
Educators, parents, health, sports and other professionals are amazed at how well things work when they utilize power that is centered, clear-minded, compassionate.
Golfers stop ‘killing the ball’ and beating themselves up. Instead, they are improving their swings and scores through the powers inherent in Centering, Balance, Relaxation, Unification.
These are just some Centered Way transformations in real-world action!

Whatta concept, being in control of my energy! My mind and emotions and behaviors …
Jamie’s teachings can be applied in any situation.
I’m excited to put things we learned into practice in how I am as a leader, also as a dad!"

"Jamie, please keep doing what you do so well – teaching, inspiring, imparting wisdom, and getting us to be better leaders and people, better golfers and athletes. You are in a league of your own and I am honored to
call you my ‘life Sensei'!

"Jamie teaches great techniques, plus so much more. Every part of me resonates with how she teaches and moves on the mat, and the ways she connects Aikido to the things we do in our lives and all the problems in the world.
Rita, HR Director Washington DC
Cameron, Entrepeneur Vancouver BC
Katy, Tucson AZ Aikido

Herb, CEO & Business Developer CT
“CENTERED GOLF is as important to golf as The Inner Game of Tennis was to tennis over 20 years ago.
I’m a competitive amateur and just two lessons with Jamie took me from a 4 index to 2.9 and a win!