Balance Lengthen Integrate Stretch Strengthen
Workshops | 1-1 Sessions | Core DVD

In the mid-1990s, sidelined by an accumulation of sports injuries, Jamie went to San Diego for a healing time-out. There she met Juawayne Kettler, the creator of BLISSwork, and in a matter of months she was back in action!
Thanks mostly to BLISS Fitness exercises (and some bodywork), Jamie's chronic back and hip pain cleared up. Restrictions from two shoulder separations resolved. Aches, injuries and compensations subsided, and Jamie was able to return to high activity. From quitting in pain after 5 holes of golf, she started playing in 100-Hole Charity Golf Marathons - reaching a record 212 holes in 12 hours, pain-free!
Jamie incorporates essential BLISS exercises into golf, martial arts and sports warm-ups. Yoga, gym and other fitness routines. Injury prevention. Healing bodywork & rehab programs. BLISS Breaks at work. Integrative top-performance trainings & workshops.
Centering + Office BLISS Fitness trainings give both managers and staff new tools to quickly lower stress, maximize body-brain function, and upgrade their body language and collaboration. People move into the calm 'Integrated Zone' for effective leadership, communication and conflict resolution. Optimal relationship, presence, creativity, team cohesion and results emerge.
Use BLISSwork for personal, workplace and golf fitness. Jamie offers:
1) BLISS Body-Mind Fitness Workshops & 1-1 Sessions
2)The much-requested Basic BLISS DVD: The Original Core Exercises
3) Office BLISS : Workplace Trainings
4) Make Your Golf Club Your Health Club! 1-1 Lessons & Group Clinics.
Virtual individual and group lessons are available.
Juawayne continues to teach BLISS Workouts regularly in San Diego.
Gain Flexibility & Mobility
Decompress Your Spine
Build Core Strength
Rehabilitate Injuries
Stimulate Your Nervous System
Increase Range of Motion
Relieve Pain
Improve Posture
Develop Focus & Emotional Balance
Harmonize Your Mind & Body
Increase Your Energy & Freedom of Being

Megan, Teacher Northhampton MA
The BLISS Workshop was very intense and fun, and the exercises just felt right. Last month I pulled my low back out. It’s hurting alot less now and my whole body feels great! BLISS will definitely compliment my PT exercises, as well as my karate training. I can't thank you enough Sensei!

Olga, Executive Assistant, Newark NJ
I feel like I could fly!
One of the best classes I have ever taken.
Please, MORE BLISS!!

John, Rear Admiral San Diego CA
George, Retiree Pinetop AZ
"Jamie, Lucky me, I'm the one who bought your videos on the spot. I am no neophyte to eastern philosophy, in the military I served in Asia. Today, after not picking up a club for 10 days, I fired a 79 using your thoughts and exercises.
Thank you, you have touched something in this aging 8.8 handicapper. There is hope left!!!"
"Jamie, Dang it. Centering
and your BLISS exercises work!
I’m impressed. Your videos
arrived yesterday and I’m
working hard to follow your advice. Today I tied my best
score ever, 7 strokes below my USGA Index, 6 pars and 12 bogies. At 67 its great to think progress
is still possible. Thanks for great insights and a program that I plan to build my game around.